I arranged Snapdragon and Cocidium with Dogwood Tree
I arranged the light purple and white snapdragons and the yellow snapdragons together with the Dogwood tree (Zhan Zhu yu) that bloomed with small, beautiful yellow flowers.
The spread of the branches of Shan Zhu ya may look fragile, but it feels like they are freely using the space without any restrictions.
“Ikebana” is often arranged according to secret rules such as various basic principles (golden rules) in order to make it look beautiful (attractive), but “easy IKEBANA for everyone” is arranged freely.
The pale purple snapdragons have an exquisite gradation that makes them closer to white toward the top, and the white snapdragons contrast well. With this snapdragon at the center, I combined Oncidium, which is a little smaller than the snapdragon flower, and spread out majestic the Zhan Zhu yu, which have even smaller flowers than Oncidium, to create a space.
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