Preparations to arrange “easy IKEBANA””気ままにいけばな”の用意
To go flower shop, supermarket, roadside market, farmer’s market お花屋さん、スーパーマーケット、道の駅、産地直送市場へ行く
Flower shops have a good selection and high quality. Some supermarkets may have placed flower counter.
In the suburbs, roadside stations and farmers’ markets can line up the flowers that farmers have grown in the area. The assortment is limited, the sizes and colors are not uniform, and I don’t know what kind of flowers and plants are placed until you arrive, so you would be excited until the arrival. In any case, let’s go to the shop.
Needless to say, if you have a garden, procuring it in that garden may be one of your options.
To choose flowers and plants you want to arrange in your space自分の空間に、”いけたい(活けたい)”、と思うお花や植物を選ぶ
There are many kind of flowers and plants in the flower shop, and you may be wondering which flower to choose. In such a case, it is better not to think about which flower is suitable for the room or which flower is good for season.
Intuition is important. Choose “the flower that you firstly feel is staring at you and talking to you”. Then find friends of that flower.
At roadside stations and farmers’ markets, the kinds are limited. In that context, choose a few flowers that you can talk to and a plant that will enliven them.
To choose flower vase花瓶を選びましょう
Take good care of the shape of the flowers and plants you imagine, and choose the best vase in your house.