グラジオラスと姫ひまわりとモナルダを生け花に活けましたI arranged Gladiolus, Heliopsis, and Monarda in IKEBANA flower arrangement.
Summer is approaching and the heliopsis is beautiful. Summer-blooming gladiolus and monarda were arranged together in IKEBANA flower arrangement. The gladiolus is placed in the center to create a heightened effect by utilizing its height to expand the space. The yellow flowers of the heliopsis have a strong presence, so I arranged them cutely in front of the center. Delicate flowers close to pure white of Monarda spread the space with a transparent feeling. It creates a very nice atmosphere.
Front – 正面
Diagonally Right Front – 正面斜め右
Diagonally Left Front – 正面斜め左
Left Side – 左側
Diagonally Left Back – 左斜め後ろ
Back – 後ろ側
Diagonally Right Back – 右斜め後ろ
Right Side – 右側
I put Ikebana of two Gladiolus togetherふたつのグラジオラスの生け花を一緒に並べてみました
Front – 正面
I added cylinder vase Ikebana and put them together筒の花瓶に活けた生け花を加えて、一緒に並べてみました
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