Sphere shape vase having wide mouth, varying from simple symmentrical shape from lip to base to variable forms.
紫色が綺麗なモクレンの花をいけましたI arranged beautiful purple magnolia flowers
With the arrival of spring, large magnolia flowers be...
Re-arranged Camellia and Statice
堅い蕾だった椿の花が咲いたのでスターチスとともに活け替えましたThe camellia flower, which was a hard bud, bloomed, so I rearrange it with statice.
Camellia, Statice and Dragon’s Claw Willow
固い蕾のついた椿の枝とスターチスを雲竜柳の中にいけてみましたI arranged Camellia branches with hard buds and Statice in Dragon’s Claw Yanagi.
IKEBANA – Yellow Lily and Ear of Foxtail
Yellow lilies, yellow chrysanthemums, and ears of millet黄色いユリと黄色の菊と、粟の穂をいけてみました
The slightly reddish yellow lilies w...
Lily and Eustoma
ゆりとトルコキキョウをいけてみました。Lily and Eustoma are arranged.
Red Carnation in Red Callistephus
Red Carnation in Red Callistephus Chinensis with Yellow
Front View
View from upper front
View from diagonally ...