3枚の白い花びらの紫陽花、ナデシコ、スターチスとオトギリソウの実を生け花に活けました。I arramged hydrangea, pink, statice, and nuts of hypericum in Ikebana.
In June, hydrangea flowers are blooming here and there. I found beautiful hydrangea with 3 petals which were slightly large white, so I got it immediately and arranged it in Ikebana. In addition to the hydrangea, I arranged light pink-color pink(dianthus), large statice, and a branch of hypericum perforatum with red berries. The three white hydrangea petals that spread out in a triangular shape give off a mysterious feeling. The pale pink color of the fine lines of the dianthus flowers and the bright red of the hypericum berries are in perfect harmony in the large space created by the pale purple statice branches.
Front – 正面
Diagonally Right Front – 正面斜め右
Diagonally Left Front – 正面斜め左
Left Side – 左側
Diagonally Left Back – 左斜め後ろ
Back – 後ろ側
Diagonally Right Back – 右斜め後ろ
Right Side – 右側
I put Ikebana of Godetia and Hydrangea togetherゴデチアと紫陽花の生け花を一緒に並べてみました
Front – 正面
I added another Ikebana togetherもう一つ別の生け花を一緒に並べてみました
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