

Cockscomb, Dianyhus and Lily with Lantern

ケイトウ、ハマナデシコ、ユリ、ほおずきと蓮の実を一緒にしました。 Cockscomb, Dianthus and Lily together with lantern and lotus

Lily, Lotus Fruit, Cockscomb and Lantern

ユリとケイトウに蓮の実を、ほおずきとともにいけてみました。 I arranged Lily, Cockscomb and Lotus fruit with Lantern

Dianthus with Chinese Lantern

薄紫色のハマナデシコに2つのほおずきをガラスの花瓶にいけました。 I arranged light purple dianthus with 2 lanterns in glass vase.

Lotus Seed Pod, Cockscomb and Lantern

I found beautiful yellow-green lotus fruit(seed pod) and got two. I arranged them with cockscomb and Chinese lantern. The lotus fruit is heavy, so when I tried to stick it out at an angle, it fell down soon after. I could only go almost vertically, so I cut the stem short and stood them in the center of the basin. The three crimson cockscombs took advantage of their presence to stand in the back, center and front.

Cockscomb and Chinese Lantern

I placed the crimson cockscomb high in the center, with orange-tinted Chinese lanterns on the right and green on the left. In the center, I arranged a series of pale purple flowers, whose names I didn't know well, and put them together.

Elegant Garnet Eustoma and Cockscomb

There's something elegant about the garnet-colored eustoma, whose fearless buds exude elegance as well. I arranged them in a long, narrow glass vase with yellow and dark red cockscombs.

Short-stemed Helipos in Miniature Vase

一束で買ってきた八重姫ひまわり。茎を短く切ってしまったものがありました。茎が短いだけでお花は美しく咲いています。これらを集め、お猪口を花瓶にして、コンパクトにさりげなく、いけてみました。 I bought Heliopsis at a roadside station. Some stems were cut short. The flowers bloom beautifully with only a short stem. I collected these, used the cup as a vase, and arranged them in a compact and subtle way.

Odd Shape Pineapple Lily

変わった形のパイナップルリリーを花瓶にいけてみました。I arranged odd shape pineapple lilies in vase. 一束で買ってきたパイナップルリリーの中に、ちょっと風変わりな形のものがありました。茎...

Zinnia with Sunflower and Pineapplelily

色彩豊かなヒャクニチソウは、ひまわりとお友達のようです。Colorful zinnia is like a friend to sunflowers. パステルカラーのような色豊かなヒャクニチソウが道の駅にあったので早速ゲット。ひま...

3-Colored Eustoma with Pineapple Lilies

3色のトルコキキョウを白色のパイナップルリリーといけてみました。I arranged 3-colored eustoma with pineapple lilies. 白くて八重に咲いたトルコキキョウは大変綺麗です。ガーネット色のト...